National Coaching Certification Program
Former players and sport students have opportunity to become national coaches with The National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) established in 2008 by the Jordan Olympic Committee in in partnership with the Coaching Association of Canada.
The national trainers’ program helps develop knowledge and raise competence in order to increase the performance of Jordanian athletes. It also aims to develop a state off the art, modern coaching education system assisting national coaches in the development of their knowledge, careers and methods and leading athletes to compete in international high level events.
The need for such training program arose after a study by the Coaching Association of Canada, which showed a gap in the performance of national coaches affecting sports products. The Canadian had experienced this in previous years.
Therefore, the Jordan Olympic Committee adopted the Canadian program and began to prepare local lecturers based on the Canadian program and provided an integrated training program granting training certificates.
The program has three basic stages and an additional stage in a year through eight courses, leading to job opportunities for the graduates.
We encourage sport federations to adopt a multi-sports policy for the development of young athletes, to develop talent-recognition programs and to create a distinctive and professional training methods, which is one of the most important objectives of this program, in addition to that we encourage federations to adopt a new competitive system that develops the level of athletes in various competitions.