Oct 16, 2016
Jordan will be represented at the Middle East final of the Red Bull Car Park Drift by Mohammed Shaker who sprung a surprise to win the national title on Friday.
Following a night of fiery performances, Shaker was able to seal the deal and claim his seat on the Jordanian Drifting throne, followed by Ra’fat Haroun and Ahmad Al Jabali.
“The competition was very strong, but thank God I was able to achieve the title and I am looking forward to representing Jordan in the finals,” said Shaker, who was not considered one of the favourites prior to Friday night.
He will now test his skills against the best in the business across the region at the final in Oman in December.
1st: Mohammad Shaker, BMW A 36, 379, 387 and 396 points.
2nd: Ra'fat Haroun, Toyota GT 86, with 379, 394, 385 points
3rd: Ahmad Al Jabali BMW A 30, with 310, 373, 384 points