May 10, 2016
The Jordan Olympic Committee (JOC) has revealed one the biggest shake-ups to local sports administration for many years.
The new draft federations regulations were presented to the Kingdom’s sporting Federations last night, and it includes sweeping changes that will aid sporting development over the next four-year Olympic cycle.
The most important change will allow Federations to tailor their own regulations in co-ordination with the JOC and with input from their own International Governing Bodies.
The main developments include:
The constitution of the federations: the new regulations specified the federation's bodies as: general assembly, board members, administrational team, technical team, legal parties.
Independent Legal Bodies: each federation should form an independent legal body from outside of the federation, representing discipline committees and appeals committees.
Distinguished Members: the distinguished members are replaced by a supporting member, who is someone elected from outside the General Assembly. Each Federation has a maximum of two with one being a woman.
Non Sport Federations: the new regulations will not be applied on the non-sport federations; the JOC will define new provisions for these federations.
Forming Contacts: federations should hold elections to form special unions for retired athletes, coaches and referees.
Set up their own regulations: each federation should set up their own regulations taking in to consideration the JOC Rules and those from their own international federations. The first draft to be prepared in cooperation with the JOC and then submitted to their international federations for approval by the General Assembly.
Bachelor Degree: members in federations should have at least a bachelor degree, but retired athletes, coaches, referees can be exempted from this.
Elections: Federations also are required to hold their elections within four months of their four-year term finishing, and they should have at least two women as members, one of them to be a retired athlete.
Each Federation board should consist of between seven and 11 members and they are also allowed to decide the length of service for each member, but not more than four years.
"The JOC has been supervising the current regulations for the past three years, and monitoring all notes received, so we decided to set up new regulations for the benefit of Jordanian sport,” said Lana Al Jaghbeer, JOC Secretary General. “We have worked very hard over the last few months to put the draft together and we believe it will be a huge step forward for sport here.”
The committee included Dr. Sari Hamdan, JOC Vice President, Al Jaghbeer, and Rana Al Saeed, JOC Federation's Department Director, along with legal consultants Ala' Khalifeh and Foad Qaradeh.