Sep 04, 2020
The Jordan Olympic Committee (JOC) executive office has announced that sporting activity can resume, including national teams training, from Sunday, September 6, following two weeks of stoppage due the Covid-19 pandemic.
The decision was made in co-ordination with the Jordan Sports Medicine Federation with the e-meeting also releasing the new health protocols, including Covid-19 tests for athletes, coaches, administrators and referees 72 hours prior to any sports activity. All concerned must also upload the AMAN app to ensure a safer environment.
The general health procedures have also been updated and distributed to the wider sports sector via the National Sports Federations, as well as being posted to the JOC website.
The executive office assures that everything will be done within its power to ensure sport enjoys a safe return, with regular visits to venues to be carried out by JOC staff accompanied by members from the Sports Medicine Federation and governmental entities.