Oct 31, 2015
Very few workplaces are healthy but that doesn’t mean we can adapt to stay in shape.
For sure, many of our medical conditions are compounded by where we have to work and the roles that we have professionally.
Spending hours on end at a desk is simply not good for you, nor is sitting for hours on end in the same chair. The days can be long and the strain on our bodies can be punishing.
But help is at hand! The JOC has created some easy to follow advice to ensure your workplace no longer impacts on your health. And they won’t affect your productivity either so your boss should be happy too!
- 1. Walking to work or whilst you are at work
OK, you don’t have to walk all the way to the office from home, especially on Amman’s tree-laden pavements, but perhaps park the car a nice distance so you get a brisk 10 minute stroll before and after work. Also experts say that for 10 minutes every hour you should take a break so why not stretch your legs and take a short stroll rather than just stand outside the door smoking a cigarette?
This walking is not only good for your physical health, but gives your brain a rest and relieves pressure. You will sit back down refreshed and focused.
- Take a stance!
Sitting continuously can seriously damage your posture. Studies show that there are huge health problems caused by sitting for up to two hours without a stretch. So, get on your feet! A few nice stretches reaching up on your toes every now and then breaks the sitting monotony and ‘straightens you out’, thus avoiding the onset of ‘crouching’ problems.
- Move your body
Sitting without moving anything apart from your finger tips on a keyboard is a recipe for physical and mental disaster!
Sometimes the workload or a strict boss means you can’t get up and out every hour so what can you do in your workspace? A few simple exercises like moving your body from left to right with your hands stretched up can help. Roll your neck as well and push your shoulders back. It can all benefit your posture.
- Make the most of your toilet breaks
What’s the rush? Toilet breaks provide a natural interlude when your body is telling you to take five. So make the most of it. If there is an area you can use, have a good stretch out once or twice a day. There are plenty of easy to follow exercises on line you can use. Get those limbs and muscles that become redundant whilst spending hours at your desk moving. You don’t need to work up a sweat, just keep your body in good working order so the time you spend inside work does not ruin the free time you have with family and friends outside!