Mar 15, 2015
Following on the heels of its successful Facebook and Twitter campaigns, the Jordan Olympic Committee (JOC) has launched the third and final phase of its social media campaign via Instagram.
This new social media campaign, launched one month ago, is designed to create awareness for Living Sport, the communications strategy for the JOC that promotes Jordanians to make sport a daily part of their lives.
The Instagram phase of the campaign will feature a competition that will encourage fans to take any sports-related photos, along with the hashtag #LivingSportJO. It can be a child throwing a ball or somebody merely exercising for example. All pictures with the hashtag will be considered.
For the next two weeks, the follower who takes the best photo, as judged by a leading Jordanian sports photographer, will take home Team Jordan clothing gear, sponsored by Peak, the official clothing provider to the JOC.
Living Sport is the JOC’s Communications plan which encourages Jordanians to embrace sport and healthy living into their daily lives.
The JOC’s Instagram account is @JordanOlympic.