Jan 31, 2018
The Jordan Olympic Committee (JOC) has signed a partnership memo with Glosante Enhancing heath Medical Labs to test the higher performance athletes of Jordan national teams.
The partnership has signed by JOC Secretary General Nasser Majali and Dr. Mohammad Kamleh, the General Manager of Glosante. Golsante will be the official medical partner for JOC in 2018, where JOC seeks to provide athletes with high level of medical treatment.
Nasser Majali express his happiness to partner with Gosante as JOC priories based on HRH Prince Feisal Bin Al Hussein the president of the JOC directions.
Dr. Mohammad Kamleh declared that this kind of partnership will held two parties to provide the best service for athletes.
"It's part of our priority to provide medical services for our athletes who are the source of our national pride in their overseas championship. We are happy to partnership with JOC." Dr. Mohammad said.